Our Mission and Vision

The mission of the Kingdom Marketplace is to increase the standard of living in communities that we serve. Our vision is to create an economic engine to compete in a capitalistic society that will produce real economic and political power for future generations.

It is understood that our prices especially for household supplies, are not equal to Walmart, Target or Dollar stores. However, these companies do not have an agenda to reinvest their profits back into low to moderate income neighborhoods even though some of their stores in these communities are their highest producing nationwide.

Our True Affordable Housing Program will create housing for-sale and rental units that are priced well below market. The average price of a home has skyrocketed over the past few years where “starter” homes in many locations are priced $300,000 and above. Rental units have also skyrocketed where individuals and families desiring a two-bedroom apartment in many cities command a monthly payment of over $2000 per month. Add electric, gas, cable and internet - the total monthly cost is even more. In many instances, folks are paying well over half of their monthly income for housing.

The True Affordable Housing Program will create quality homes where property owners and renters will pay a much smaller portion of their income for housing allowing them to save money and create wealth.

The overall vision of the Kingdom Marketplace is to create good paying jobs, build true affordable housing, develop clean and safe communities while instilling dignity and hope especially to our youth. We welcome your support. Thank you.


We Build on Your Lot
1,302 Square Feet
3 Bedroom - 2 Bath
Affordably Priced
We Build on Your Lot
1,591 Square Feet
3 Bedroom - 2 Bath
Affordably Priced
We Build on Your Lot
1,561 Square Feet
3 Bedroom - 2 Bath
Affordably Priced
Upscale and Luxury Homes Also Available
Contact Us to learn more.
All Homes Priced Well Below Market
The Kingdom Marketplace
Email: KingdomMarketplace@outlook.com